Coronation BIG Lunch
John Godber Centre
Community Events
7th May 2023 - 7th May 2023
UNTIL Sunday 7th May

Join us and our Churches St. Mary Magdalene, Hucknall and St John's Church Hucknall as we celebrate the Kings Coronation with an afternoon of fun, games and activities on Sunday 7th May.
An indoor street party with lots of free fun for all the family.
Bring your own picnic, our licensed bar will be open and hot refreshments will also be available.
Featuring crafts, games, and lots of community fun.
12.30 to 3.30 all welcome but do reserve your throne in advance via the Centre on 0115 963 9633 or email [email protected]
#community #NG15 #HucknallEvents #Coronation #ThingsToDoInHucknall