Hucknall: Local business owners can add their company's details to our website for free
Calling all local business owners! Do you want to advertise and promote your company for free? If so, Hucknall Nub News can help you do just that.
Letting locals know that you exist, what services you offer, and how to get in touch with you can often be a time consuming and expensive process, with our help it doesn't have to be. We want to keep our readers informed and help our local businesses at the same time.
Hucknall business owners can place their company's name for FREE on the 'Local Business' section of our website.
Using our 'Nub It' button (link below) Hucknall businesses and services can enter their details (company picture/logo, website address, business phone number) on to our site.
While our main aim is to offer a news and features service to Hucknall, one of our principles at Nub News is to support local businesses and the High Street.
To add your business/shop/service please click on this link and press the black "Nub It" button to enter your details.
It is easy to do and should only take a couple of minutes to complete.
If you have friends or family that run local businesses, please make them aware of this service.
At present we have just over 100 businesses on our local list, it would be fantastic to see this grow so that we can provide the people of Hucknall with a comprehensive list of the local services available to them.
So don't delay and Nub the details of your business today!
New hucknall Jobs Section Launched!!
Vacancies updated hourly!!
Click here: hucknall jobs