Hucknall Pride
Damo's, Annesley Road; Red Lion, High Street; Half Moon, South Street; Byron's Rest, Baker Street; Arc Cinema, High Street; John Godber Centre, Ogle Street; H20, High Street; The Station Hotel, Station Terrace.
Community Events
26th Aug 2022 - 28th Aug 2022
UNTIL Sunday 28th August

Here's a full line-up of what's coming to Hucknall as the town celebrates its first ever pride.
Full details can be found below, but we advise to refer to the venues social pages for up to date information or any last minute changes which may take place.
Friday 26th August
Arc Cinema Hucknall Screening of "Pride" - 3pm - to book tickets visit
John Godber Centre Rainbow Party - 6pm - fun for all the family
Red Lion Inn Hucknall Karaoke Disco - 7pm
Half Moon Disco 8pm
Saturday 27th August
John Godber Centre - Meditation and movement - 9.30am - book your place visit:
@thestationhotelhucknall Cake sale
Byron's Rest Coffee and Conversation - 10am Support group and chat in confidence
Arc Cinema Hucknall screening of "Pride" - 1.20pm - to book tickets visit
Half Moon Drag extravaganza - 3pm - Comedy queens and Drag race
Red Lion Inn Hucknall Karaoke Disco - 7pm
Damo's Guest appearance from Harley Noah - 8pm
Half Moon Disco - 8pm
H2O Bar and Lounge Hucknall Rocky Horror Picture Show Themed evening - 8pm
Sunday 28th August
Arc Cinema Hucknall screening of "Pride" - 1.20pm - to book tickets visit
Red Lion Inn Hucknall Karaoke Disco - 4pm
Damo's Sh!t Shirt Sunday - 7pm - Loud and proud - wear something bright!
Half Moon Disco - 8pm
Pride capes, Small Hand Flags, Hats, Glasses and Pride bracelets available from Damo's all weekend (While stocks last)
What a weekend it's going to be!!!!