House of Pain Wrestling

George Street WMC, Hucknall

UNTIL Friday 15th October

After the dramatic ending to the HOP Full Throttle title tournament, 'Mr No.1' Nyle Hind is now the champion and has 'The Princess' Lexie Olivia, who played a part in him winning the title, on his arm.

'Mr Rock n Roll' Johnny Sterling however, is not to be denied and THIS Friday is bringing the hardest hitting woman in HOP to help him take care of the pair, in Harley.

'The Loudmouth' Davey Thompson goes 1 on 1 with 'The Pinfall Wizard' TJ Dean


Grayson Clay goes 1 on 1 with 'The Suntan Superman' Lj Heron.

Doors open at 7pm, first bell at 7:30pm.

Contact Paul Stixx on House of Pain's Facebook page for tickets.

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